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Your Expert privacy compliance partner

About Brightsquid:

Brightsquid was founded in 2008 to provide a secure and regulatory compliant collaboration tool for healthcare. Since then, Brightsquid has welcomed over 40,000 users across healthcare and introduced communication services that have dramatically reduced wait times and accelerated treatment while protecting patient privacy to the letter of the law.

Regular audits ensure regulatory compliance for HIPAA, PIPEDA, and HIA. Brightsquid secure communication technology goes beyond encryption to deliver on every aspect of privacy requirements including authentication and access tracking as well as compliant storage and destruction of data.

Brightsquid Secure-Mail is accepted by the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Alberta (OIPC) as a way to share protected patient information in compliance with the Health Information Act (HIA). 

Over 18,000 dental clinics - including more than 400 in Alberta - use Brightsquid Secure-Mail to safely share patient information in compliance with privacy regulations. Secure-Mail has been refined for ease-of-use while still delivering enhanced productivity and ensuring top level security. 

About the Brightsquid privacy team:

Ingrid Ruys, Privacy Officer at Brightsquid, has over 30 years of experience working in privacy in Alberta and beyond. She was the Chief Privacy Officer of Alberta’s Physician Office System Program for 12 years, and has continuously run a privacy, security, IT, and compliance consultancy since she founded it in 1987.

The privacy team Ingrid has assembled to work for Brightsquid is comprised of Alberta’s leading CIAPP certified experts in healthcare privacy and regulatory compliance. Together, Ingrid and her team, have completed over 3,000 Privacy Impact Assessments.